but how can something so tiny
The shrinking machine worked! But with one side effect. The test subject become as lethal as Ant Man. So I stepped outside and noticed: HOLY BANANAS! They're destroying the grass by central park! So I grabbed my reverse ray which I called: The Cataclysmic Shrink destroyer 2 500 089.
And so as I Charles BigGun Obsidian The 10 000th I destroyed any and all people with the shrink gene and ensured 50 000 years from now we would be safe. but how can something so tiny cause so much damage. After that Giant mechanical beasts known as the Reapers decimated the galaxy I now regret destroying the shrinks.
By Ethan
The shrinking machine worked! But with one side effect. The test subject become as lethal as Ant Man. So I stepped outside and noticed: HOLY BANANAS! They're destroying the grass by central park! So I grabbed my reverse ray which I called: The Cataclysmic Shrink destroyer 2 500 089.
And so as I Charles BigGun Obsidian The 10 000th I destroyed any and all people with the shrink gene and ensured 50 000 years from now we would be safe. but how can something so tiny cause so much damage. After that Giant mechanical beasts known as the Reapers decimated the galaxy I now regret destroying the shrinks.
By Ethan